dangerousmeta > Archives

fri 16 mar 01

oh, no. they're predicting 4"-6" of snow for tomorrow. and our hyacinth just bloomed.

nytimes: oil production cut by opec. these guys will solidify our recession.

nothing much going on here, except burnout from the day. my apologies. maybe i can cook up something interesting tomorrow ...

you know, looking at how search engines end up here, i realize we're all becoming 'yahoos with commentary' ...

artsjournal: biting back at critics.

artsjournal takes an overarching view of the taliban/buddha incident.

i'm just so busy today, i can't even turn around. haven't touched this machine but twice ...

pewinternet: causes of the dotcom shakeout. greed and poor planning?

searchenterpriselinux.com: perl users moving to python, says guido.

nytimes visits assateague island; misty may not be there, but the rest of the gang is.

nytimes op-ed: mr. bush warms up.

poor airborne express driver. he dropped off a package in a rush, turned around, and practically rammed his face right into a wooden column on our porch. almost broke his nose. now that's *too much* of a rush. gave him some ice.

ack ... continuing on the spiral ...

links will be up shortly, if this is not a day-trend. [i hope not.]

sorry, folks. i'm having one of those 'client challenge' days here in the studio. one of those days when a client blasts you with an email asking why his wheel mouse won't resize the type on his web page ... and you've programmed the page in 'ems.'