thu 13 dec 01
prometheus: why bother to think?
ananova: an altered hiv virus as been used to cure sickle cell anemia in mice. now that's a mind bomb.
ananova: 'superdogs' terrorizing australian outback.
cnn: tours resume at hoover dam. when i vacationed in vegas (september), you had to drive through a military checkpoint. i assume this means we're 'getting back to normal.'
the dangerousmeta! cockpit, this morning at around seven ...
hey, my uncle's written another book. it'll be out in january 2002. down-home reminiscences of growing up in sevier county, tennessee. bookpublisher print-on-demand's kinda interesting, too.
channel seven: untapped webizens, the gay and lesbian market. it ain't just rainbows and triangles.
usa today: charges dropped against dmitry sklyarov. more comprehensive info at planetpdf.
ananova: missile defense rocket veers off course. betcha our president isn't happy about that.
reuters: many in arab world call bin laden video a fake.
xmlhack: xml spy 4.2 released.
cnet: macromedia shares plunge.
top ten writing mistakes. don't miss the two love letters. punctuation makes the meaning.
maccentral: pc maclan allows windows to talk to os x.
bbc sci/tech: why are crows 'right-beaked'? for the same reason pie are square?
somaseptic's doing a redesign.
a couple of requests, while i remember: i'm doing a site for a political candidate, and we need to take donations via the web site. anyone have experience with a reputable charge-card processing service for this particular use? also, i need to mail-order a bunch of 35mm film. who's good (no import/outdated stuff) and decently priced? and is there anyone who does processing/photocd all in one fell swoop? i've been actively looking for all these things, but there's nothing like a good recommendation. either email or use the discussion group. one vote for b&h photo, so far.
i'm so excited, i can't tell you. just heard a rumor that cable modems are coming to santa fe. gotta do some digging and find out if it's true ... faster net access is the biggest obstacle between myself and greater productivity.
kerneltrap: major nfs bugs found, being fixed in freebsd.
yahoo news/reuters: lost kennedy photos spark industry reflection. scan valuable photos, make duplicate negs or slides, store in a couple of different places.
webtechniques: groundwork for project success. world's biggest wind farm planned. just as an aside, there's a pretty big one just outside of fort stockton, texas. didn't remember it being there a year ago.
chicago tribune: russia reacts tepidly to u.s. abm pullout. "they can carry on their tests of anti-missile defense systems -- mobile, sea-based and airborne -- without pulling out of the treaty for another four or five years." if so, why this announcement now?
popular mechanics: science solves more mysteries of the bible.
chicago tribune: enron warned, auditor insists. go get 'em, guys. don't wait 'till all the 'bonuses' are in swiss or cayman island banks ...
the new york times also mentions ximian evolution.
ny times: justice department decision to forego tribunal bypasses pentagon. guess they're saving it for bin laden.
ack. the zope mailing list has an animated snow shower behind it. my eyes just crossed.
bbc: red cross probes taliban deaths. parallel lives will only feed racism. "a wide education and the weight of several languages is never too heavy to carry around."
scientific american: innocence lost. keeping biotech out of terrorists' mangy mitts.
ny times arts: the real carmen miranda under the crown of fruit. a bit of the 'louis armstrong conundrum,' playing to stereotype. all this 21st century theorizing ends up being ... just another theory. nice bananas, chiquita ...
ban corny smut. gotcha, didn't i?
boston globe: at the core of mac os x, jordan hubbard.
byte: john udell, hybrid storage models. zope.
vaults of parnassus: mygale, atshop.
yahoonews/reuters: pope accuses israelis and palestinians of extremism.
freshmeat: mioga [groupware], elog [electronic web logbook], phpmylibrary, roadsend php site manager.
the register: the 'beast of redmond' rants at rebel states.
this is london: a german vision of world war 2. prince charles dumps on skyscrapers.
santa fe new mexican: mick taylor was here testifying in a wrongful-death trial.
ny times letters to the editor: at nuremberg, the secrecy was out. read this; it's important.
ny times: naturalists share their findings online. birdlogging, not weblogging. what a concept!
ny times: widow of september 11 victim takes her own life.
ny times: high-tech states lead nation in joblessness. you may know how to program c++, but it's good to also know how to grow potatoes ... just in case.
ny times: two members of the jewish defense league are being held under suspicion of planning to bomb a congressman's office and a mosque. interesting timing.
reuters: moon power to solve energy crunch.
reuters: britain to allow genetic embryo screening.
reuters: remote-controlled cars are weapons, too, remember.
reuters: suicide squad attacks indian parliament. bad, this.
reuters: bush to announce withdrawal from the abm treaty.
cnn: army confirms anthrax production in utah.
cold, white, quiet.