dangerousmeta!, the original new mexican miscellany, offering eclectic linkage since 1999.

Editor’s note: This site may disappear at any moment.

I’m afraid my CMS is starting to betray overdue signs of overuse and age. I wake up in the morning, the sidebar is gone. Today, the header was gone. A new “publish story” command seems to return it all to normalcy. But these little errors are piling up. I need to schedule in either an upgrade, or a switchover to another CMS/service [like I have time for this right now]. What form that’ll take, I have no idea. But it’s getting dicey on this end. So if I disappear, it’s not forever ... it’s just a momentary glitch. @dangerousmeta on Twitter to find out what’s going on - if I’m dead in the water, I’ll be using that more frequently.

10/13/16 • 01:56 PM • PersonalWeblogs • (2) Comments


If and when you do upgrade please, please make sure that RSS is still enabled. I know not many people seem to care anymore, but if a site’s not in my reader it’s effectively gone to me…

Posted by Curtis on 10/13/16 at 06:22 PM

I could NEVER abandon RSS. It’s my lifeblood.

Posted by Garret P Vreeland on 10/13/16 at 10:24 PM


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