Oh and yes, I did watch the debate. Or ‘game show’, as I like to think of it.
Hillary still doesn’t have a strong enough comeback for the ACA price increases. She’s most vulnerable there.
Donald, on certain subjects, was just all over the place. He started off pretty focused - bang on about the problems of the ACA’s costs, yet no real coherent fixes - and ended up a mess afterwards. I felt like I was watching an orange marmalade danish exploding on my kitchen table.
My bugbear, the ACA. I’m looking at a near-$7k deductible, $45-75 copays AFTER deductible for doctor visits (full price before), for the cost of a freakin’ mortgage (over $1k) for the two of us. And that’s the second cheapest offered right now, before the November increases.
I will not continue to pay for the [former] uninsured to have good free coverage, when I’m checking Youtube to fix my own health issues. It costs so much, I have no extra income to pay for the actual doctor visits. Unless I dip into retirement - or go bankrupt, live off the dole and get it all for free. There seems to be an economic range, a spot between subsidies and being comfortably middle-class, where folks like myself end up in tax and health care cost hell.
This is not about selfishness, or conservative/liberal ideology. It’s about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The ACA is violating all of that, here in NM. It feels like an old-fashioned shakedown, courtesy of the US government. It’s wrong.
Also, Kaiser (who gets quoted all the time in healthcare analysis articles) is FULL OF BS. I have a friend in Rhode Island who’s facing huge increases, and Kaiser claims RI is going DOWN 14%. Press, do your duty. Follow up on this, hard. We’re being fed bullbananas on the actual increases in costs.
Thanks for the info, PeggySu. It seems those who have worked for corporations hold on to vestiges of coverage that help them over the hump.
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What is happening to you and others in your situation is just wrong. Luckily, Hillary understands the ins and outs of health care costs better than almost anyone so there is at least a chance she will try to address the situation in a good way. She did make an important point last night—that part of the problem is that long ago the US went with a model where many people have employer-paid health insurance.
The following is just FYI and not intended to minimize your much worse situation. I’m 76 and my husband is 77. Medicare plus Long Tern Care insurance costs each of us over $400 a month. We are very lucky not to need MediGap insurance because we are retirees and both of us have so-called secondary insurance from our former employer. We do pay small co-pays but nothing like you do.