dangerousmeta!, the original new mexican miscellany, offering eclectic linkage since 1999.

This is why weblogging was great.

I noticed Cast Away was streaming on Netflix. I’ve been facing some interesting choices in my life, so I figured I’d watch it again. Hit me just as hard as it did the first time.  And I remembered a piece Dave Rogers had posted when the film came out ... 13 years ago now. I couldn’t find his post online - as all us ‘originals’ have, he’s changed CMSs and personas a couple of times - but after dropping him a Twitter message, he dug around and reposted his great review, and associated correspondence with a fellow blogger.  I link his pieces here (scroll down to the piece titled Cast Away, and then scroll up to read Greatest Hurts and Greatest Hurts 2).

If you want to know why the ‘old’ web was so great, you need look no further. There’s gold in our archives, I tell ya.

Dave sums it up well: “This is an aspect of the current blogosphere that I find sadly lacking. We had a great deal more thoughtful discussion back then. I may simply be looking at the past through rose-colored bifocals, but little like this takes place today.”

And thanks again, Dave. I may not have commented then, but your post stuck with me all this time. I think that’s about the best praise any weblogger can give another.

Later: And now, scroll further up to Addendum, same link as above.

01/20/15 • 08:59 PM • HistoryPersonalWeblogs • (2) Comments


Hear, hear! We did have more and better discussions back in the day. Did we have more time then?

Posted by Hal B Rager on 01/21/15 at 03:04 PM

Loved that movie (so pure a piece of storytelling) and loved getting to read Dave’s take on it. Thanks!

Posted by Will on 01/22/15 at 12:00 AM


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